Best Side Hustles For Developers in 2024

In 2024, developers have numerous side hustle opportunities to amplify their income and expand their skills in the tech world. This article explores the best side hustles for developers, allowing them to earn extra money while still maintaining their full-time job or other commitments. From freelance writing to affiliate marketing to remote consulting, there are various options available for developers to pursue side hustles in their field.

Key Takeaways:

  • Developers have a range of side hustle opportunities to earn extra income.
  • Freelance writing allows developers to showcase their writing skills while earning additional income.
  • Affiliate marketing enables developers to promote products or services and earn a commission.
  • Online tutoring allows developers to leverage their expertise and help students succeed academically.
  • Starting an e-commerce store allows developers to showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

The sequel follows a detailed description of the best side hustles for developers in 2024. This section will focus on freelance writing as a lucrative side hustle option for developers who have a talent for words. Freelance writing allows developers to showcase their writing skills and earn extra income while still maintaining their full-time job or other commitments.

Why Freelance Writing?

Freelance writing provides developers with the opportunity to combine their technical expertise with their creativity in writing. With the increasing demand for quality content, there is a steady stream of clients looking for freelance writers to create blog posts, articles, and web copy. As a developer, you have the advantage of understanding the technical aspects of various industries, making you a valuable asset to clients in need of content related to programming, technology, and more.

How to Get Started

To get started with freelance writing, developers can utilize platforms such as Upwork and Freelancer to find clients. These platforms connect freelancers with businesses and individuals seeking writing services. Developers can create a profile highlighting their programming skills and experience, showcase writing samples, and start bidding on writing projects. It is important to build a strong portfolio and establish a reputation for delivering high-quality work to attract more clients and earn higher rates.

The Benefits of Freelance Writing

Freelance writing offers several benefits to developers looking to earn extra income. First, it allows you to diversify your skills and professional growth beyond coding. Writing can help you sharpen your communication skills, expand your knowledge in different industries, and enhance your ability to explain complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience. Additionally, freelance writing offers flexibility in terms of workload and working hours, allowing you to balance your side gig with your full-time job or other commitments.

Overall, freelance writing is a promising side hustle option for developers who have a passion for writing and want to leverage their programming skills to earn extra income. It provides an avenue to showcase your expertise, broaden your skill set, and connect with clients who value your technical knowledge. With the right approach and dedication, freelance writing can become a significant source of additional income for developers in 2024.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular side hustle option for developers looking to monetize their programming skills. By partnering with companies and promoting their products or services, developers can earn a commission for every sale made through their referral. This provides an opportunity to leverage their knowledge of coding and technology to drive sales and generate passive income.

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing for Developers

One of the key advantages of affiliate marketing for developers is the flexibility it offers. With the ability to choose which products to promote and how to promote them, developers have control over their side hustle. Additionally, affiliate marketing allows developers to tap into the ever-growing e-commerce industry, which provides a vast range of products and services to promote.

“Affiliate marketing is a win-win for me,” says John, a software developer who has ventured into affiliate marketing. “I get to earn extra income while doing what I love – coding. It’s a great way to diversify my income and expand my professional network.”

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

To start affiliate marketing, developers can sign up for affiliate programs on platforms like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or Commission Junction. These platforms provide a wide range of products and services that developers can promote on their websites, blogs, or social media channels. Developers can also create content that highlights the benefits and features of the products they are promoting, using their coding skills to create engaging and visually appealing content.

“I found success in affiliate marketing by focusing on products that are relevant to my audience,” says Sarah, a web developer who has been earning passive income through affiliate marketing. “By understanding the interests and needs of my target audience, I can recommend products that they genuinely find valuable.”

Overall, affiliate marketing is a lucrative side hustle option for developers, allowing them to leverage their programming skills to earn extra income. By choosing the right products to promote and creating compelling content, developers can establish themselves as trusted influencers and generate consistent passive income.

Online Tutoring

online tutoring

Online tutoring is an excellent side hustle idea for developers looking to share their knowledge and expertise while earning extra income. As a developer, I have found online tutoring to be a rewarding way to help students succeed academically and further develop my own skills.

Platforms like Tutorful, VIPKid, and Chegg Tutors have made it easier than ever to connect with students in need of assistance. Whether it’s helping with programming languages, computer science concepts, or other technical subjects, I have had the opportunity to leverage my expertise and provide valuable guidance to students.

By offering online tutoring services, I am able to make a positive impact on students’ lives while also boosting my income. It’s a win-win for both parties involved.

One of the great advantages of online tutoring is the flexibility it offers. As a developer, I can set my own schedule and work with students at times that are convenient for both parties. This allows me to balance my full-time job and other commitments while still being able to pursue my passion for teaching and mentoring.

Moreover, online tutoring has helped me sharpen my communication and problem-solving skills. Explaining complex programming concepts in a simplified manner has not only benefited my students but has also deepened my own understanding of the subject matter.

Maximizing Online Tutoring Opportunities

To maximize the opportunities in online tutoring, it’s important to market your services effectively. Creating an engaging tutoring profile, highlighting your qualifications and experience, and showcasing positive reviews from satisfied students can help you stand out from the competition.

Additionally, leveraging social media platforms and networking within your professional circles can help you attract potential students and build a strong client base. By continuously honing your skills, staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, and adapting your teaching methods to suit different learning styles, you can position yourself as a sought-after online tutor.

In conclusion, online tutoring is a lucrative side hustle idea for developers who want to share their knowledge, help others succeed, and earn extra income. Whether you’re looking to supplement your current job or explore new avenues, online tutoring provides a flexible and rewarding way to leverage your expertise and make a meaningful impact.

E-commerce Store

One of the most lucrative side hustles for developers in 2024 is starting an e-commerce store. With the rise of online shopping, there is a growing demand for unique and niche products. By leveraging their programming skills, developers can set up and customize their own online store using platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. This allows developers to showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit while earning extra income.

Having an e-commerce store also allows developers to tap into a global market, reaching customers from all over the world. They can sell a wide variety of products, from handmade crafts to drop-shipped items, catering to different customer preferences. With the ability to fully customize the website and optimize it for search engines, developers can create a seamless online shopping experience for their customers.

“Starting my own e-commerce store has allowed me to turn my hobby into a profitable side hustle,” says Mike, a developer and e-commerce entrepreneur. “I can showcase my products, build my brand, and earn passive income while still focusing on my full-time job.”

Freelance Projects for Developers

In addition to selling their own products, developers can also take on freelance projects for clients looking to build or improve their e-commerce stores. This provides an additional source of income while allowing developers to work on diverse projects and expand their skill set. Freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer offer a wide range of opportunities for developers to find clients seeking their expertise in web development, user experience design, and digital marketing.

By taking on freelance projects, developers can gain valuable experience in different industries and collaborate with clients from around the world. It also allows them to build a strong portfolio of work, which can lead to more lucrative opportunities in the future. Freelancing as a developer provides the flexibility to choose projects that align with their interests and skills, making it an ideal side hustle option.

“Freelancing as a developer has been a game-changer for me,” explains Sarah, a freelance developer. “I can choose the projects I’m passionate about and have the freedom to work on my own terms. It’s a great way to supplement my income and continuously learn new technologies.”

Overall, starting an e-commerce store and taking on freelance projects are excellent side hustle options for developers in 2024. These opportunities allow developers to leverage their skills, creativity, and entrepreneurial mindset to earn extra income and expand their professional horizons. Whether it’s selling their own products or providing services to clients, developers can turn their passion for coding into a profitable venture.

Remote Consulting

I have found that remote consulting is a highly lucrative side hustle for developers with specialized expertise. By offering my services as a remote consultant, I have been able to connect with businesses in need of my technical skills and industry knowledge. Platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork have been instrumental in helping me find clients who value my expertise and are willing to pay for my insights and solutions.

One of the main advantages of remote consulting is the flexibility it offers. I can choose the projects that align with my interests and schedule, allowing me to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remote consulting also allows me to work with clients from different industries and locations, giving me the opportunity to broaden my professional network and gain exposure to diverse challenges and solutions.

What sets remote consulting apart from other side hustle options is the potential for long-term, high-paying engagements. By delivering exceptional results and building strong relationships with clients, I have been able to secure ongoing consulting projects that provide a stable source of income. This has allowed me to not only earn extra money but also enhance my professional growth and expand my skill set.

Stock Photography

Selling photos on stock photography websites is an excellent side hustle for developers who have a passion for photography. By contributing their photos to platforms like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, developers have the opportunity to earn passive income. Every time someone downloads their photos, developers receive a royalty, allowing them to monetize their photography skills and potentially generate a steady stream of income.

One of the advantages of stock photography is its flexibility. Developers can capture a wide range of subjects and themes, from nature and landscapes to technology and business. This allows them to leverage their programming skills to create visually appealing and marketable photos that cater to various customer demands. The stock photography market is constantly evolving, providing developers with ample opportunities to explore their creativity and capture images that resonate with potential buyers.

Furthermore, selling photos on stock photography websites is a passive income source. Once developers upload their photos and they are approved by the platform, they can sit back and let their images generate revenue over time. This means that stock photography can be a lucrative side hustle for developers who are looking for a low-maintenance income stream to supplement their main job or other commitments. By consistently contributing high-quality photos to stock photography websites, developers can build a portfolio that attracts customers and maximizes their earning potential.

“Stock photography allows me to combine my love for programming and photography. I can capture unique images and market them to a worldwide audience, earning royalties with every download. It’s a rewarding side hustle that allows me to express my creativity and earn passive income at the same time.” – Anonymous Developer


Selling photos on stock photography websites is an ideal side hustle for developers who have a passion for photography. It offers flexibility in terms of subject matter and allows developers to leverage their programming skills to create marketable images. With the potential for passive income, stock photography provides developers with a low-maintenance income stream that can supplement their main job or other commitments.


In conclusion, developers in 2024 have a plethora of coding side hustles and part-time coding jobs to consider. These freelance projects for developers not only provide additional income but also offer opportunities for professional growth and skill enhancement.

By leveraging their coding expertise, developers can explore side hustle options like freelance writing, affiliate marketing, remote consulting, and more. These coding side hustles allow developers to diversify their income streams and broaden their skill set beyond their full-time job.

Whether it’s writing engaging blog posts, promoting products through affiliate marketing, providing remote consulting services, or selling stock photography, these side hustles enable developers to showcase their talent, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit.

So, if you’re a developer looking to expand your horizons and make the most of your coding skills, consider exploring these part-time coding jobs and freelance projects. Who knows, your side hustle could eventually transform into a substantial source of income and open doors to exciting opportunities in the tech industry.


What are the best side hustles for developers in 2024?

The best side hustles for developers in 2024 include freelance writing, affiliate marketing, online tutoring, starting an e-commerce store, remote consulting, and selling photos on stock photography websites.

How can developers get started with freelance writing?

Developers can get started with freelance writing by creating profiles on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to find clients in need of freelance writers. They can showcase their writing skills and earn additional income by taking up writing assignments.

What is affiliate marketing and how can developers benefit from it?

Affiliate marketing allows developers to promote products or services and earn a commission for every sale made through their referral. Platforms like Amazon Associates and ShareASale offer a wide range of products that developers can promote to earn extra income.

How can developers become online tutors?

Developers can become online tutors by signing up on platforms like Tutorful, VIPKid, and Chegg Tutors. These platforms connect tutors with students seeking help, providing developers with an opportunity to share their knowledge and earn money.

How can developers start their own e-commerce store?

Developers can start their own e-commerce store using platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. They can leverage their programming skills to set up and customize their online store, selling a variety of products and earning extra income.

How can developers offer remote consulting services?

Developers with expertise in fields like marketing, finance, or IT can offer their services as remote consultants. They can connect with clients in need of their expertise through platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork and provide valuable insights and solutions.

How can developers sell their photos on stock photography websites?

Photography enthusiasts can sell their photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock. Every time someone downloads their photos, developers earn a royalty, allowing them to monetize their passion for photography and earn passive income.

What are the benefits of pursuing side hustles as a developer?

Pursuing side hustles as a developer allows individuals to earn extra income, enhance their professional growth, diversify their income streams, and potentially transform their side hustle into a substantial source of income.

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