Best Side Hustles For Nurse Practitioners in 2024

Nurse practitioners have the opportunity to explore various side hustles to supplement their income and expand their professional skills. With a growing demand for healthcare services, there are numerous side hustle options available for nurse practitioners to consider. These side jobs can provide additional income, flexibility, and personal growth. By taking advantage of these opportunities, nurse practitioners can elevate their careers and achieve financial stability.

In this article, we will explore some of the best side hustles for nurse practitioners in 2024. Whether you are looking for part-time work, freelance opportunities, or flexible job options, there are side hustle options to suit your needs and preferences. Let’s dive in and discover the exciting possibilities that await nurse practitioners in the gig economy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nurse practitioners have various side hustle opportunities to supplement their income and expand their professional skills.
  • Starting a health coaching business allows nurse practitioners to leverage their clinical practice experience and promote positive behavioral changes in clients.
  • Offering vaccination services on an on-call basis can be a lucrative side hustle, especially during flu season.
  • Telehealth consulting allows nurse practitioners to provide healthcare advice and guidance remotely, utilizing their knowledge of healthcare and technology.
  • Nurse practitioner consulting offers opportunities to share expertise and improve healthcare practices in organizations and educational institutions.

Start a Health Coaching Business

Nurse practitioners have a unique opportunity to venture into the world of health coaching as a side hustle. By obtaining a health coaching certification that caters specifically to licensed health practitioners, such as nurse practitioners, I can develop the necessary skills to excel in this field. Through health coaching, I can work closely with clients to promote behavioral changes, motivate patients, and improve their overall health outcomes.

Starting a health coaching business as a nurse practitioner allows me to leverage my clinical practice experience and utilize my existing nursing skills and knowledge. This side hustle offers flexibility and income potential, as I can set my own schedule and work with clients on a one-on-one basis. By providing personalized guidance and support, I can make a positive impact on the lives of others while also creating a fulfilling and rewarding career for myself.

There is a growing demand for health coaches in today’s society, as more and more individuals are seeking guidance and support in achieving their health goals. With a health coaching certification and my background as a nurse practitioner, I have the opportunity to stand out in this field and make a meaningful difference in the lives of my clients. As a health coach, I can empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being and guide them towards living a healthier, more balanced life.

“Becoming a health coach as a nurse practitioner has allowed me to combine my passion for nursing with my desire to help others achieve optimal health. It’s incredibly rewarding to see my clients make positive changes and witness the transformation that comes with improving their lifestyle choices.” – Jane, Nurse Practitioner and Health Coach

In conclusion, starting a health coaching business is a viable side hustle for nurse practitioners who are looking to expand their professional horizons and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. By obtaining a health coaching certification, nurse practitioners can utilize their clinical practice experience and existing nursing skills to provide personalized guidance and support to clients, promoting positive behavioral changes and improving overall health outcomes. This side hustle offers flexibility, income potential, and the opportunity to create a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Offer Vaccination Services

Nurse practitioners with experience in administering vaccines can offer vaccination services as a side hustle. This includes providing vaccines to patients on an on-call basis, especially during flu season. Many private companies hire nurse practitioners to administer vaccines, and there is a growing demand for this service. This side hustle allows nurse practitioners to utilize their expertise and contribute to public health while earning additional income.

One of the advantages of offering on-call vaccination services is the flexibility it provides. Nurse practitioners can choose the hours and days they are available to administer vaccines, allowing them to balance their side hustle with their primary job or other commitments. This flexibility is particularly beneficial during flu season, as there is often a surge in demand for vaccinations. Nurse practitioners can play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have access to vaccines and help prevent the spread of the flu.

“I have been offering vaccination services as a side hustle for the past two years, and it has been a rewarding experience. Not only am I able to utilize my skills as a nurse practitioner, but I also have the opportunity to educate patients about the importance of vaccinations. It’s fulfilling to know that I am contributing to public health while earning extra income.” – Sarah, Nurse Practitioner

Private vaccine administration is another aspect of this side hustle that can be lucrative. Nurse practitioners can partner with companies or organizations to provide vaccines at workplaces or community centers. This not only benefits individuals who may find it difficult to access vaccination clinics but also provides nurse practitioners with a steady stream of clients. By offering private vaccine administration, nurse practitioners can enhance their income potential while making a positive impact on the health of the community.

Telehealth Consulting

As a nurse practitioner, I understand the importance of adapting to emerging trends in healthcare. One such trend that has gained significant traction in recent years is telehealth. Offering remote consulting services has revolutionized the way healthcare is delivered, allowing practitioners to reach patients beyond the confines of a traditional medical setting.

Telehealth consulting enables nurse practitioners like me to provide healthcare advice and guidance through video conferencing or social media platforms. By leveraging technology, I can connect with patients and clients from anywhere, making healthcare more accessible and convenient for individuals who may not have easy access to a physical clinic.

With the rise of telemedicine, nurse practitioners can use their communication skills and clinical expertise to assist patients and clients with a wide range of health-related concerns. Whether it’s providing guidance on managing chronic conditions, offering mental health support, or answering questions about medication, telehealth consulting allows me to make a meaningful impact on individuals’ lives, even from a distance.

Expanding My Reach and Making a Difference

“Telehealth consulting has opened up a world of opportunities for me as a nurse practitioner. It not only allows me to reach a larger audience but also provides the flexibility to work on my terms and manage my own schedule. I can truly make a difference in people’s lives by offering expert advice and support through online nursing services.”

Furthermore, by offering telehealth consulting services, I can expand my professional network and collaborate with other healthcare providers. Through virtual consultations and discussions, I have the opportunity to learn from colleagues, share best practices, and contribute to the overall improvement of healthcare practices.

As the demand for remote healthcare services continues to grow, embracing telehealth consulting as a side hustle allows nurse practitioners like me to tap into a thriving market and diversify our income streams. It’s a win-win situation that not only benefits us financially but also contributes to the advancement of healthcare and the well-being of patients.

Nurse Practitioner Consulting

Nurse practitioners possess a wealth of nursing expertise and clinical knowledge that can be harnessed through consulting services. As a nurse practitioner consultant, I utilize my advanced nursing background to provide expert advice on clinical best practices and assist healthcare organizations in implementing effective healthcare policies.

Through my consulting business, I work closely with healthcare leaders to improve patient care and outcomes. By leveraging my deep understanding of the healthcare landscape and evidence-based practices, I guide organizations in making informed decisions that enhance the quality of care provided to patients.

As a nurse practitioner consultant, I play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare. By sharing my expertise and insights, I contribute to the development of innovative healthcare solutions and help organizations navigate the complexities of the industry. With a focus on delivering patient-centered care and optimizing healthcare processes, I help healthcare organizations enhance their performance and achieve sustainable success.

Being a nurse practitioner consultant allows me to make a significant impact on healthcare practices and policies. By collaborating with healthcare leaders, I help shape the future of the industry and ensure that patient care remains at the forefront. Through my consulting services, I have the opportunity to use my nursing expertise to influence positive change and contribute to the continuous improvement of healthcare delivery.

Freelance Writing for Health Websites

health content writing

I have always had a passion for writing, and as a nurse practitioner, I discovered a unique way to combine my love for healthcare and writing. Freelance writing for health websites has allowed me to utilize my expertise in the healthcare industry while earning additional income.

As a nurse practitioner writer, I have the opportunity to create valuable content on various health topics. Whether it’s writing articles, blog posts, or contributing to online publications, my writing skills can make a meaningful impact on readers seeking reliable and informative health information.

Being a freelance health writer has also allowed me to expand my professional network and connect with other healthcare professionals in the industry. It’s a great way to collaborate, exchange ideas, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about healthcare advancements and trends.

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and there is a growing demand for quality health content. As a nurse practitioner writer, I’m excited to be part of this dynamic field and contribute to the dissemination of accurate and helpful information. The opportunities for writing in the healthcare industry are vast, and it’s a fulfilling side hustle that allows me to continue my passion for nursing while exploring my creative side.


As a nurse practitioner, there are numerous side hustle opportunities available to enhance your professional growth and earn supplemental income. These side jobs cater to the diverse needs and interests of nurse practitioners, offering flexibility and the chance to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare industry.

Starting a health coaching business allows you to utilize your clinical practice experience and help clients make positive behavioral changes. By obtaining a health coaching certification tailored to licensed health practitioners, you can excel in this side hustle while leveraging your nursing skills and knowledge.

Alternatively, you can offer vaccination services on an on-call basis, particularly during flu season. With your expertise in administering vaccines, you can meet the growing demand for this service and contribute to public health while earning additional income.

Additionally, telehealth consulting offers a flexible side hustle option that allows you to provide healthcare advice and guidance remotely. By utilizing your communication skills and clinical expertise through video conferencing or social media platforms, you can assist patients and clients with their health concerns from any location.

Moreover, nurse practitioner consulting provides an opportunity to share your advanced nursing knowledge and clinical experience with healthcare organizations and educational institutions. Your expertise in clinical best practices and healthcare policies can contribute to improving healthcare practices and policies while establishing your own consulting business.

Lastly, freelance writing for health websites allows you to combine your passion for writing with your in-depth knowledge of the healthcare industry. By providing valuable content on various health topics, you can earn additional income, expand your professional network, and make a broader impact in the field.

Overall, these side hustle options offer nurse practitioners the chance to diversify their skills, increase their income potential, and create a successful side business. Embrace these opportunities and continue excelling in your primary profession as you explore new avenues for professional development.


What are some side hustle options for nurse practitioners?

Nurse practitioners have the opportunity to explore side hustles such as starting a health coaching business, offering vaccination services, providing telehealth consulting, pursuing freelance writing opportunities, and becoming a nurse practitioner consultant.

What skills do nurse practitioners need for a health coaching side hustle?

Nurse practitioners can excel in a health coaching side hustle by obtaining a health coaching certification tailored to the needs of licensed health practitioners. This certification provides the necessary skills to promote behavioral changes, motivate patients, and improve overall health outcomes.

How can nurse practitioners offer vaccination services as a side hustle?

Nurse practitioners with experience in administering vaccines can provide vaccination services to patients on an on-call basis, especially during flu season. Many private companies hire nurse practitioners for this service, contributing to public health and earning additional income.

What is telehealth consulting for nurse practitioners?

Telehealth consulting involves providing healthcare advice and guidance remotely through video conferencing or social media platforms. Nurse practitioners can leverage their communication skills and clinical expertise to assist patients and clients with health-related concerns while offering flexible services from any location.

How can nurse practitioners become nurse practitioner consultants?

Nurse practitioners with advanced nursing knowledge and clinical experience can offer consulting services to healthcare organizations and educational institutions. Nurse practitioner consultants provide expert advice on clinical best practices and help in implementing healthcare policies, requiring a strong nursing background and potentially additional certifications.

What opportunities are there for nurse practitioners in freelance writing?

Nurse practitioners with a passion for writing can explore freelance writing opportunities for health websites. With their in-depth knowledge of the healthcare industry, nurse practitioners can provide valuable content on various health topics, contributing to online publications, blogs, and articles while expanding their professional network and earning additional income.

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