Best Side Hustles For Retired Teachers in 2024

Retired teachers, like myself, often find themselves seeking supplemental income and new career opportunities. With the rising cost of living and the desire to stay active and engaged, many retired teachers are exploring various side hustles that can provide financial stability, personal satisfaction, and even professional development.

According to Pew Research Center, one in six teachers had to work a second job in 2019, highlighting the need for additional income among educators. If you’re a retired teacher looking for part-time jobs or retiree job opportunities, here are some side hustle ideas to consider:

Key Takeaways:

  • Retired teachers can explore tutoring as a side hustle, offering academic support through online platforms like Wyzant, Outschool, and Skooli.
  • After-school programs provide opportunities for retired teachers to offer homework help or facilitate enrichment activities.
  • Teaching summer school or becoming a camp counselor can be fulfilling side gigs for retired teachers.
  • Coaching sports teams allow retired teachers to stay active and build relationships with athletes.
  • Retired teachers with a passion for swimming can become swim instructors or lifeguards.


Tutoring is a popular side hustle for retired teachers. With their expertise and experience in teaching, they can offer valuable academic support to students in various subjects. One of the most convenient ways for retired teachers to offer tutoring services is through online platforms such as Wyzant, Outschool, and Skooli. These platforms connect teachers with students seeking personalized instruction and provide a flexible platform for retired teachers to set their rates and schedules.

Online tutoring platforms like Wyzant, Outschool, and Skooli offer a wide range of subjects and grade levels, allowing retired teachers to leverage their knowledge and assist students of all ages. Whether it’s helping a struggling student catch up on math concepts or providing advanced guidance in a specific subject, retired teachers can tailor their lessons to meet the individual needs of their students.

“Tutoring allows me to continue sharing my passion for education while also earning some extra income. It’s incredibly rewarding to see my students grow and succeed with my guidance.”

Flexibility and Impact

One of the advantages of tutoring as a side hustle for retired teachers is the flexibility it offers. They can choose the number of hours they want to work and can schedule sessions around their other commitments. This flexibility allows retired teachers to balance their passion for teaching with their desired lifestyle in retirement.

Tutoring also provides retired teachers with the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on students’ lives. By offering personalized instruction and individual attention, retired teachers can help students overcome challenges, boost their confidence, and achieve academic success. This sense of fulfillment and the joy of seeing students progress is often a driving factor for retired teachers to continue tutoring.

If you’re a retired teacher looking for a side hustle that allows you to make a difference in students’ lives while earning extra income, tutoring is a great option. Explore online tutoring platforms like Wyzant, Outschool, and Skooli to connect with students who need your expertise and help them reach their academic goals.

After-School Programs

Retired teachers looking for part-time work can find opportunities in after-school programs. These programs provide a great way to utilize their expertise and make a positive impact on students’ lives. Whether it’s offering homework help or facilitating enrichment activities, retired teachers can contribute to the educational development of children while earning extra income.

Working with local schools is one option for retired teachers interested in after-school programs. They can collaborate with existing programs or propose their own initiatives. Starting an after-school program allows retired teachers to design a curriculum that aligns with their passions and interests while meeting the needs of the community.

Retired teachers can provide valuable support and guidance to students outside of the traditional classroom setting. By engaging with students in after-school programs, retired teachers can make a lasting impact on their educational journey and personal development.

Enrichment activities such as sports, art, or drama can be incorporated into after-school programs. Retired teachers who have a particular interest or expertise in a specific area can create unique opportunities for students to explore their passions and develop new skills. These activities not only enhance the student’s educational experience but also provide a sense of fulfillment for retired teachers.

The Benefits of After-School Programs for Retired Teachers

Working in after-school programs offers several benefits for retired teachers. Firstly, it allows them to continue engaging with students and the educational community, maintaining a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Secondly, it provides an opportunity for retired teachers to share their knowledge and experiences, serving as mentors and role models for younger generations. Lastly, it offers retirees a chance to stay active and contribute to the overall well-being of children in their community.

Retired teachers interested in part-time work and enrichment activities should consider exploring after-school programs as a meaningful and rewarding side hustle.

The Importance of After-School Programs

“After-school programs play a vital role in supporting the academic, social, and emotional development of students. They provide a safe and supervised environment where children can engage in educational and enrichment activities. By involving retired teachers in after-school programs, we can tap into their wealth of knowledge and experience, enriching the lives of our students and fostering a lifelong love for learning.”

Summer School Teaching and Camp Counseling

Summer school teaching and camp counseling

Retired teachers have a unique opportunity to utilize their experience and expertise in the field of education by exploring side jobs during the summer months. Teaching summer school and working as a camp counselor are two options that can provide both personal fulfillment and supplemental income.

Teaching summer school allows retired teachers to continue their passion for education while also helping students catch up or get ahead academically. By creating engaging lesson plans and fostering a supportive learning environment, retired teachers can make a positive impact on students’ lives during this concentrated period of instruction.

Summer School Teaching: A Rewarding Experience

“Teaching summer school gives me the chance to work with a smaller group of students and provide them with the individualized attention they need,” says Sarah, a retired teacher. “I enjoy the opportunity to delve deeper into subjects and see students make significant progress over a shorter period of time.”

In addition to teaching summer school, retired teachers can also consider becoming camp counsellors. Camps offer a variety of activities, including sports, arts and crafts, and nature exploration. By participating in camp counseling, retired teachers can share their knowledge, skills, and love for learning with children in different settings.

Camp Counseling: Connecting with Kids and Nature

“Being a camp counselor allows me to connect with kids on a more personal level,” says Michael, a retired teacher and camp counselor. “I get to witness their growth and development outside of the traditional classroom. It’s a great way to stay active, have fun, and make a positive impact on young lives.”

Whether it’s teaching summer school or working as a camp counselor, these side jobs for retired educators offer opportunities to continue making a difference in the lives of students. It’s a chance to share knowledge, inspire young minds, and enjoy a fulfilling summer experience.

Coaching Sports Teams

Coaching sports teams

As a retired teacher, one fulfilling side hustle option is coaching sports teams. By sharing their knowledge and passion for sports, retired teachers can make a positive impact on young athletes’ lives while earning extra income. Coaching positions can be found through school districts, recreation departments, or sports clubs.

Coaching sports teams allow retired teachers to stay active and maintain their connection to the world of sports. It provides an opportunity to build relationships with the athletes they coach, serving as mentors and role models both on and off the field. By nurturing talent and instilling discipline, retired teachers can make a lasting impact on the lives of these young athletes.

“Coaching sports teams allows me to continue doing what I love while making a difference in the lives of young athletes. It’s incredibly rewarding to see them grow and develop both physically and mentally through their dedication and hard work.” – John, retired teacher and sports coach

Creating a Legacy

Becoming a sports coach not only provides a side gig for retired teachers but also allows them to create a lasting legacy in the sports community. By sharing their expertise and experience, retired teachers can contribute to the development of future athletes and the overall success of sports programs. Whether it’s coaching a little league team or leading a high school varsity squad, retired teachers can leave a positive mark on the sports landscape.

Coaching sports teams offer retired teachers a chance to contribute to the education and personal growth of young athletes. It provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment, allowing retired teachers to continue making a difference in the lives of others. By building relationships and fostering a love for sports, retired teachers can leave a lasting impact on the athletes they coach.

Swim Lessons and Lifeguarding

Retired teachers looking for part-time employment can dive into the world of swim lessons and lifeguarding. This side hustle allows teachers to combine their love for swimming with their expertise in education. By becoming certified swim instructors or lifeguards, retired teachers can enjoy the water while earning extra income.

Teaching swim lessons can be a rewarding experience, as retired teachers can pass on their knowledge and skills to children and adults alike. They can offer lessons at community pools or even work at private swimming clubs. Sharing their passion for swimming and helping others become confident swimmers can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to their retirement years.

Building Confidence and Ensuring Safety

As a retired teacher, I find great joy in teaching swim lessons and lifeguarding. It allows me to continue making a positive impact on people’s lives while enjoying my favorite activity. I love seeing my students grow in confidence and become skilled swimmers. Being a lifeguard also gives me the opportunity to ensure the safety of others and contribute to a safe swimming environment.

In addition to personal fulfillment, swim lessons and lifeguarding can provide retirees with a flexible schedule. They can choose the number of lessons they want to teach or the shifts they want to work, allowing them to balance their side hustle with other commitments.

Sell Curriculums and Educational Materials

As a retired teacher, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and resources throughout my years in the classroom. Fortunately, there are platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers and tes that allow me to share my teaching materials and lesson plans with other educators while earning some extra income. These marketplaces provide a space for teachers to sell their curriculums and educational resources to a wide audience of educators.

By joining Teachers Pay Teachers or tes, I can easily upload and list my teaching materials, including worksheets, lesson plans, and educational games. I have the freedom to set my own prices and can earn royalties each time another teacher purchases my resources. It’s a win-win situation – I get to monetize my expertise and help fellow teachers enhance their lessons. Plus, it feels great to know that my years of hard work can continue to make a difference in classrooms around the country.

“Teachers Pay Teachers and tes provide a platform for retired teachers like myself to share our resources and earn money by helping other educators.”

Joining the Teachers Pay Teachers Community

If you’re a retired teacher looking to sell your curriculums and educational materials on Teachers Pay Teachers, the process is simple. First, create an account on the website and familiarize yourself with their guidelines and policies. Then, start uploading your resources and organizing them into appropriate categories or grade levels. Don’t forget to include vibrant cover images and detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers.

Building a reputation within the Teachers Pay Teachers community takes time, so it’s important to engage with other sellers and buyers by leaving thoughtful comments and reviews. By actively participating in the community, I have been able to establish connections with fellow educators and gain valuable insights into current teaching practices. It’s a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone is working towards the common goal of improving education.

Sharing Your Expertise with Tes

In addition to Teachers Pay Teachers, tes is another excellent platform for retired teachers to sell their educational resources. Similar to Teachers Pay Teachers, tes provides a marketplace for teachers to showcase and sell their curriculums, teaching guides, and other resources. By offering a wide range of materials, retired teachers can reach a global audience and make an impact on educators around the world.

Getting started on tes is straightforward. Create an account, upload your resources, and explore the different categories available for listing your materials. Similar to Teachers Pay Teachers, tes allows you to set your own prices and receive royalties for each sale. The platform also encourages collaboration and communication among educators, fostering a sense of community and support.

“By selling curriculums and educational materials on platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers and tes, retired teachers can continue to make an impact on education while earning some extra income.”

As a retired teacher, selling my curriculums and educational materials allows me to contribute to the education community while earning some supplemental income. Whether it’s through Teachers Pay Teachers or tes, these platforms provide an opportunity for retired teachers to share their expertise and make a difference in classrooms around the world.

Freelance Writing, Virtual Assistant, and Other Opportunities

As a retired teacher, I understand the desire to continue utilizing my skills and expertise while enjoying the flexibility that retirement brings. That’s why freelance writing and virtual assistant work have become popular alternative job opportunities for retired teachers like myself.

Freelance writing allows me to share my knowledge and insights through blog posts, articles, and educational content. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect me with clients seeking quality writing services, and I can choose projects that align with my interests and expertise. It’s a great way to continue contributing to the education community while earning income on my own terms.

Virtual assistant work is another flexible option for retired teachers. With years of experience managing classrooms and coordinating various tasks, I find that these skills transfer well to administrative and organizational roles. Platforms like TaskRabbit and Time Etc connect me with clients in need of virtual assistance, whether it’s managing schedules, conducting research, or providing customer support. Being a virtual assistant allows me to work from the comfort of my own home while still making a meaningful impact.

In addition to freelance writing and virtual assistant work, retired teachers can explore other alternative job opportunities. Some retired teachers choose to sell their stock photography, start their own blog, or become educational consultants. These options allow us to continue sharing our expertise, pursuing our passions, and earning income outside of traditional teaching roles. The possibilities are endless, and it’s exciting to see the variety of side jobs available to retired teachers looking for new and fulfilling opportunities.


Can retired teachers work as tutors?

Yes, retired teachers can offer tutoring services in various subjects through online platforms like Wyzant, Outschool, and Skooli, connecting with students seeking academic support.

What are some options for retired teachers in after-school programs?

Retired teachers can offer homework help or facilitate enrichment activities like sports, art, or drama in after-school programs. They can work with schools or start their own programs.

Are there opportunities for retired teachers to teach during summer?

Yes, many schools offer summer programs, and retired teachers can teach summer school. They can also consider becoming camp counselors during summer, winter, or spring break.

Can retired teachers work as sports coaches?

Yes, coaching sports teams allows retired teachers to stay active and build relationships with the athletes they coach. Coaching positions can be found through school districts, recreation departments, or sports clubs.

Are there opportunities for retired teachers to work in swimming-related jobs?

Retired teachers with a passion for swimming can become certified swim instructors or lifeguards. They can offer swim lessons at community pools or work at private swimming clubs.

Can retired teachers sell their teaching materials and lesson plans online?

Yes, retired teachers can sell their teaching materials and lesson plans online through platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers and tes. These platforms allow educators to share their resources and earn money.

What freelance opportunities are available for retired teachers?

Retired teachers can explore freelance opportunities like freelance writing, virtual assistant work, and other part-time jobs that leverage their skills and experience. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr can connect them with potential clients.

What are some alternative side hustles for retired teachers?

Retired teachers can consider selling stock photography, starting a blog, or becoming an educational consultant as alternative side hustles.

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