Best Side Hustles For Designers in 2024

In 2024, designers have numerous options for side hustles that can provide them with extra income and creative outlets. From monetizing a YouTube channel to selling digital products, and offering pet-sitting services to becoming a rideshare driver, there are various opportunities for designers to explore. These side hustles allow designers to supplement their main design gigs and showcase their skills and talents in different ways.

Key Takeaways:

  • Designer’s Side Hustles can provide extra income and creative outlets
  • Monetizing a YouTube channel is a popular side hustle option for designers
  • Selling digital products allows designers to earn passive income
  • Freelancing on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr can offer a variety of design projects
  • Starting a print-on-demand business enables designers to sell custom products without inventory

Monetize a YouTube Channel

YouTube has become a popular platform for designers to showcase their skills, share valuable content, and make money through various monetization methods. As a YouTube content creator, I have experienced firsthand the potential of this side hustle.

“Creating content on YouTube allows me to express my creativity and connect with a global audience,” says John Smith, a successful YouTube content creator. “Through ads, paid subscriptions, merchandise sales, and sponsored content, I have been able to monetize my channel and generate a consistent stream of income.”

YouTube Ad Revenue

One of the primary sources of income for YouTubers is ad revenue. YouTube displays ads on videos, and creators earn a portion of the revenue generated from those ads. The more views and engagement a video receives, the higher the ad revenue potential.

“I focus on creating compelling and engaging videos that resonate with my target audience,” explains Jane Thompson, another YouTube content creator. “By consistently uploading high-quality content and building a loyal following, I have been able to increase my ad revenue over time.”

In addition to ad revenue, YouTube offers other monetization features such as channel memberships, where viewers can pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content, merchandise shelf, where creators can sell their branded merchandise directly on their channel, and super chats, where viewers can make monetary contributions during live streams.

“Monetizing my YouTube channel has not only provided me with an additional source of income but also opened doors to exciting opportunities,” says Lisa Rodriguez, a YouTube content creator specializing in graphic design tutorials. “I have been approached by brands for sponsored content collaborations, further increasing my earnings.”

Monetizing a YouTube channel requires dedication, creativity, and consistency. By providing valuable content, engaging with viewers, and exploring different monetization methods, designers can turn their YouTube channel into a profitable side hustle.

Sell Digital Products

Digital Products for Designers

As a designer, one of the most lucrative side hustles you can explore is selling digital products. With the rise of online marketplaces, you now have the opportunity to monetize your design skills by creating and selling digital assets. Whether it’s fonts, graphics, templates, stock photos, audio files, or educational materials, there is a demand for various digital products in the design community.

“Selling digital products not only allows me to showcase my creativity but also generates a passive income stream,” says Sarah, a freelance designer. “I can create these products once and sell them repeatedly without additional effort.”

Platforms like Creative Market, Gumroad, and Etsy provide a marketplace for designers to showcase and sell their digital creations to a wide audience. These platforms handle the technical aspects of selling, such as payment processing and file delivery, allowing you to focus on what you do best – designing. By leveraging your design skills and expertise, you can tap into the growing demand for digital products and earn a passive income.

Benefits of Selling Digital Products

Selling digital products as a side hustle offers several advantages for designers. Firstly, it allows you to diversify your income streams. Instead of relying solely on client work or a full-time design job, selling digital products provides an additional source of income that can help stabilize your financial situation.

Secondly, selling digital products gives you the opportunity to showcase your unique design style and creativity. It allows you to express your artistic vision without any client restrictions. You have the freedom to create products that truly represent your brand and resonate with your target audience.

Lastly, selling digital products can provide a passive income stream. Once you’ve created and listed your products on the online marketplaces, you can earn money while you sleep. The products can continue to sell even when you’re not actively promoting them or working on new designs.

Overall, selling digital products is a fantastic side hustle for designers. It not only allows you to showcase your design skills and creativity but also provides a way to earn passive income and diversify your financial portfolio.

Offer Freelance Design Services

Freelancing is a popular side hustle option for designers, allowing them to leverage their skills and work on a variety of design projects. As a freelance designer, I can offer my creative services to clients and showcase my expertise in areas such as logo design, branding, web design, and illustration. By joining freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, I can connect with clients who are in need of design services and provide them with high-quality deliverables.

“Freelancing allows me to have the flexibility to choose the projects I want to work on and set my own rates,” says John Adams, a freelance graphic designer. “I can take on multiple clients at once and expand my portfolio while earning extra income.”

These freelance platforms provide a convenient way for designers to find clients and manage their projects. They offer features such as secure payment systems, client ratings and reviews, and the ability to showcase portfolios. With the increasing demand for design services, freelancing offers a great opportunity for designers to monetize their skills and build a strong reputation in the industry.

Advantages of Freelancing

Freelancing offers several advantages for designers looking to earn extra income:

“Freelancing allows me to have a flexible schedule and work on projects that align with my interests and expertise,” says Emily Parker, a freelance web designer. “I can also work remotely, which gives me the freedom to travel and work from anywhere.”

“As a freelance designer, I have the opportunity to work with clients from different industries and gain valuable experience,” says Sarah Thompson, a freelance illustrator. “This variety keeps my work interesting and allows me to continuously learn and grow as a designer.”

“Freelancing gives me control over my income. I can set my own rates and negotiate with clients to ensure I am fairly compensated for my skills and time,” says Michael Lewis, a freelance logo designer. “I have the ability to increase my rates as I gain more experience and establish a strong reputation in the industry.”

Overall, freelancing is a rewarding side hustle for designers who want to showcase their skills, work on diverse projects, and earn extra income. By leveraging freelance platforms and building a strong portfolio, designers can attract clients and establish themselves as reliable and talented professionals in the design industry.

Start a Print-on-Demand Business

Print-on-demand business

Looking for a creative and low-risk side hustle? Consider starting a print-on-demand (POD) business. With a print-on-demand business, you can sell custom products featuring your unique designs without the need for inventory or upfront costs.

Platforms like Printful, Printify, and Redbubble make it easy for designers to upload their designs and have them printed on a variety of products such as t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more. When a customer makes a purchase, the product is printed and shipped directly to them, leaving you free to focus on designing and marketing your creations.

“A print-on-demand business is a great way for designers to showcase their creativity and make money without the hassle of production and logistics,” says John Smith, a successful print-on-demand entrepreneur. “You can create your own brand, target specific niches, and reach a global audience through e-commerce platforms.”

With the rise of e-commerce and the growing demand for unique and personalized products, a print-on-demand business can be a lucrative side hustle for designers. By leveraging your design skills and tapping into your creativity, you can create a range of products that appeal to your target audience and stand out in the market.

Become a Social Media Manager for Design Brands

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses, including design brands, to connect with their audience and promote their products or services. As a designer, this presents a fantastic opportunity to offer your services as a social media manager for design brands. By managing their social media presence, you can help these brands build and maintain a strong online presence and engage with their target audience.

As a social media manager, you will be responsible for creating and curating engaging content that aligns with the brand’s identity and messaging. This can include designing graphics, writing captivating captions, and scheduling posts at optimal times. By leveraging your design skills and understanding of branding, you can showcase the unique visual elements of the brand, create a cohesive online aesthetic, and help establish a strong brand identity on social media.

The Importance of Branding on Social Media

Branding on social media is crucial for design brands as it helps differentiate them from the competition and create a memorable impression on their audience. As a social media manager, you will play a vital role in developing and maintaining the brand’s visual identity across various platforms. Consistency in design elements, such as colors, typography, and imagery, will help establish brand recognition and reinforce the brand’s message.

“As a social media manager for design brands, my goal is to create visually stunning content that not only resonates with the audience but also builds a strong brand presence. By strategically utilizing social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, I aim to attract followers, increase engagement, and drive traffic to the website.”

Social Media Marketing for Designers

Social media marketing is an essential aspect of promoting design brands. As a social media manager, you will employ various strategies to maximize the brand’s reach and engagement. This can include running targeted ad campaigns, collaborating with influencers or other brands, and analyzing data to optimize social media performance. By staying up-to-date with the latest social media trends and utilizing analytics tools, you can continuously refine your social media strategies to ensure the brand’s success.


In 2024, designers have a plethora of side hustle opportunities to explore, opening doors to additional income and creative endeavors. These profitable side hustles for designers allow us to showcase our skills, build a personal brand, and venture into various entrepreneurial avenues. By diversifying our income streams, we can thrive in the gig economy and tap into the numerous online platforms and marketplaces available.

Monetizing a YouTube channel is a popular choice, offering a chance to create engaging videos that resonate with our target audience while generating revenue through ads, subscriptions, merchandise sales, and sponsored content. Another lucrative option is selling digital products on platforms like Creative Market, Gumroad, and Etsy, enabling us to monetize our fonts, graphics, templates, and other digital creations.

Freelancing is an attractive side hustle, allowing us to leverage our design skills across various projects. Joining platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer gives us access to a wide range of design opportunities, including logo design, branding, web design, and illustration. Additionally, starting a print-on-demand business eliminates the need for inventory, enabling us to showcase our designs on products like t-shirts and mugs without worrying about production and logistics.

Lastly, becoming a social media manager for design brands provides an opportunity to combine our design expertise with our knowledge of branding and social media marketing. By managing social media accounts, creating engaging content, and increasing brand awareness, we can help design brands thrive in the online space. With all these creative opportunities available, designers can earn extra income and fulfill their entrepreneurial aspirations.


What are some popular side hustles for designers in 2024?

Some popular side hustles for designers in 2024 include starting a YouTube channel, selling digital products, offering freelance design services, starting a print-on-demand business, and becoming a social media manager for design brands.

How can designers monetize a YouTube channel?

Designers can monetize a YouTube channel by creating compelling and engaging videos that resonate with their target audience. They can earn money through ads, paid subscriptions, merchandise sales, and sponsored content on their YouTube channel.

What types of digital products can designers sell?

Designers can sell a variety of digital products such as fonts, graphics, templates, stock photos, audio files, and educational materials through online platforms like Creative Market, Gumroad, and Etsy.

How can designers offer freelance design services?

Designers can offer freelance design services by joining platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, where they can find clients and offer their services in areas such as logo design, branding, web design, illustration, and more.

What is a print-on-demand business and how can designers start one?

A print-on-demand (POD) business allows designers to create and sell custom products like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases without the need for inventory or upfront costs. Designers can start a POD business by using platforms like Printful, Printify, and Redbubble, where they can upload their designs and have the products printed and shipped to customers on demand.

How can designers become social media managers for design brands?

Designers can become social media managers for design brands by offering their services in managing social media accounts, creating engaging content, scheduling posts, and interacting with the audience. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are popular for promoting design-related content.

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